• Understanding Sciatica
  • Understanding Sciatica
  • Understanding Sciatica
  • Understanding Sciatica
  • Understanding Sciatica
  • Understanding Sciatica

By Tom Jesson, with contributions from Annina Schmid.

Understand sciatica. Discuss it with your patients with confidence. 

Available as an ebook or as a stylish paperback. 

Useful, interesting, and never, ever boring!

"Absolute gold... there's not many anatomy/physiology books that one can't put down" - June, Spinal Specialist Physiotherapist.

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24 total reviews

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What's in the book:

  • Clinically-relevant anatomy, explained and illustrated so that everything just 'clicks'.

  • Fascinating explanations of nerve root injuries, why they hurt and why the nerve stops working.

  • A modern understanding of disc herniations. Equips you to answer all your patients' questions.

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
understanding sciatica
one of the best book to understand sciatica

check it out

David Josefsson
Great book!

This is a very informative, easily digestible yet scientific and correct book. It covers the most important anatomy, physiology and clinical considerations of sciatica. Highly recommended!

Worth every penny

Incredibly helpful, simply written, and thorough. So grateful Tom has made understanding all of this so much easier.

Michael W. Robert
A must read for clinicians

If you are a clinician dealing with sciatica, this book is a must read! Very understandable and with numerous illustrations, this book is the "bible" when it comes to sciatica! At times the book reminded me of the work of Louis Gifford! After reading it, no questions remain unanswered and you can deal with the subject more confidently!

Steve Hayward
The first place to start when trying to decide if you have, and how to approach, sciatica.

Dear Tom,

When I first experienced sciatica, like so many, I was led to believe it would resolve within 4-6 weeks. I followed the traditional route – MRI, physical therapy, medication, epidural – but after seven months, the pain persisted.

I began researching extensively and discovered your work. While the scientific terminology was challenging at times, I gained a crucial understanding of my condition. Your research empowered me to accept the complexity of my issue and manage it effectively.

Information is truly powerful. Your insights provided a safe space for me to navigate my recovery. After a year and a half, primarily through walking and patience, I am 98% pain-free and fully mobile.

I'm not only grateful for my recovery but also fascinated by the subject. I deeply appreciate your curiosity and dedication to researching and educating others about this misunderstood affliction.


Toby Pollard-Smith
Excellent resource

This was a good read for me as a clinician. It's very clear, and it has helped me to pass my knowledge onto my patients in a less jumbled manner.

Lucy Ridgway
Fantastic resource

Understanding Sciatica is a fantastic book - thoroughly grounded in research and full of accurate and well explained information.
A really valuable clinical resource.

What readers say

"Absolute gold... Not many anatomy/physiology books that one can't put down" - June, Specialist Physiotherapist in Spinal Triage.

"I was expecting a good read, but what you get is even better! Absolutely brilliant stuff and a MUST read for any clinician who works with sciatica" - Michael, Physiotherapist.

"The book has made a massive difference to my practice and in explaining things to my patients." - Philip, Spinal Advanced Practice Practitioner.

Simply a good book as well as a good medical book. So much contemporary content, blended with a personal, readable format like the classic medical texts of the past.’ - Greig, Orthopaedic doctor & GP.

"Highly recommend this book. In addition to being informative and engaging it provides sensible, well-reasoned insight, useful for patients and clinicians alike" - Michael, US military PT.

"The sciatica Bible" - Luke, Physiotherapist.

About the authors

Tom Jesson is a physiotherapist specialising in nerve root problems. He has written two books about radicular pain, and published peer-reviewed research and textbook chapters on the topic. He is also an experienced writer and educator, practiced at summarising complex information in an easy-to-read style.

Prof. Annina Schmid is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and a Neuroscientist affiliated with the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at Oxford University in the UK.

She leads the Neuromusculoskeletal Health and Science Lab at Oxford University. Annina was the first allied health professional to win a prestigious Clinical Research Career Development Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust, recognising her contributions to discovery sciences.


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As for the difference between the two versions: This version has been substantially re-written to make it more readable. All of illustrations have also been improved. Of course, the fact that it's available in paperback is also a major change.

As for the content - there are some changes and additions, none of which are major. For example, there are new short passages on neuropathic pain and other topics, and slight changes in the way we interpret certain bits of evidence.

Yes. I recognise that the price of this book is a lot of money in some parts of the world.

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Possibly! The book is written for clincians, but we have had lots of very happy lay readers. All the information is broken down into simple chunks, and technical jargon is avoided where possible.

That said, to get the most out of the book it will help to have a very basic understanding of how nerves work, such as what an action potential is, and of the gross anatomy of the spine.

If you do buy the book and find that it's not for you, we can happily provide a full refund.

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