• CES Sessions - Recordings & Ebook
  • CES Sessions - Recordings & Ebook
  • CES Sessions - Recordings & Ebook
  • CES Sessions - Recordings & Ebook
  • CES Sessions - Recordings & Ebook
  • CES Sessions - Recordings & Ebook
  • CES Sessions - Recordings & Ebook

Handle potential cauda equina syndrome with confidence!

The CES sessions consist of:

1) A 30 minute intro to CES, and our approach to it. This will help you get up to speed, if you think you need to.

2) A 1-hour webinar that shows you what CES 'looks like', so you know it when you see it, and shows you how to navigate a CES conversation with your patient, including example questions. A deep dive into this fascinating condition, making the confusing feel comfortable.

3) A 90m Q&A webinar. This webinar was based on questions and feedback from attendees of the live sessions. Clinicians asked, and we answered!

4) A Bonus pdf + epub booklet with the edited transcripts from all three webinars, plus pictures, plus suggestions for further reading.

All useful, interesting, and never, ever boring. 

"I feel like this is the type of stuff that separates expert clinicians from the others!" - Tim, physio, review of Cauda Equina Syndrome: The MSK Clinician's Guide.

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